Polish Pizza?!

I know pizza purists would probably be offended by this, but this pizza is actually good! I talked about Charcuterie Wayne before in my apple turnover post. Well they also do this little personal pizza with a bunch of random cured meats (I don't care what they are really, it's salty and I like it) for $3.50. This is cheaper than a frozen meal at the grocery store and sooo much better. The sauce is surprisingly pretty good too, which is always an important factor when eating pizza. Not too acid, not sweet, just the right amount. The cheese used is ordinary but it still beats by a mile that sketchy looking stuff they put on dollar slices at most spots on St-Catherine. Dough is ok, not great, but still decent. The strong point of this bad boy is definitely the meats used. This little deli owns when it comes to that stuff. They also put a pickle slice in the middle, which is questionable but still kinda cool in a weird, weird way.

Compared to pizzas in this price range, this gets a 9/10. For the area (PSC), this is definitely a winner when it comes to pizza and lunchtime hunger.


mimi. said...


Fred Tremblay said...

If you wanna do something else than Italian, Fuck Polish pizza....

Arouch Armenian Pizza is where it's at!!!


BENBASS said...

I'll only eat armenian pizza if Integrity is playing in the background. Baba eed janed cach-men!

Yeah the low sodium diet is out the window right now.

PipersPipeline said...

that low sodium diet sucked anyways. i hope that you're still taking care of yourself though

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